Update as of June 23, 2004 -
Well, its 9 days away! I don't know if there is much to do. I've packed everything I can possibly think of
except for clothes. I've received so much great advice on what to pack and what to leave behind. We aren't taking
alot which will make for smoother travel!
We leave at 9:15 AM on July 2nd from San Antonio. We fly to Chicago and then to Frankfurt, Germany. From
there we fly into Kiev. We'll be there for a couple of days until we choose children to visit on the 5th. We don't
know what to expect. We don't know gender, ages, or anything about our children. We will choose from a book of
photos at the National Adoption Center. It seems overhwhelming but I'm sure we will get through it.
God has truly blessed us. I met a Russian pediatrician, Oksana, here in New Braunfels. After meeting her
for five minutes, we were instantly friends. Well, she has decided to go with us. She will fly with us to Kiev,
visit the children and give them an examination, and then fly to Russia to visit her family for 10 days. Then, she'll return
to Kiev to fly back with us. She is teaching me Russian and she is a joy to be around! We are truly blessed with
her friendship.
I will try to keep this updated as much as possible. It may be hard to find Internet Cafes depending on the region.
So, keep checking.
We have a tentative flight back home on July 23rd at 10:30 PM into San Antonio. For those of you that are interested,
we would love for you to be at the airport!!! Keep checking the website for the confirmed arrival time and date.
We appreciate everyone's support, prayers, and thoughtfulness! We love you all!
Becca and Craig
Update as of 5/28/04!
Well, after a long journey, we have a travel date! We will leave on July 2nd and have our appointment
on Monday, July 5th with the National Adoption Center in Kiev, Ukraine! We are on Cloud 9! I feel like I am 8
months pregnant!
I think I have everything packed but our clothes!!! I would leave tomorrow if I could.
But, there is so much to do to get ready to travel and to bring two children home!!!!
I am going to add a page to this site so that we can update this site with our journal while we are
in Ukraine. If I can figure out how to download pictures over there, I'll do that as well. So, check out our site
regularly for updates.
Thank you for all your prayers and great words of encouragement - its finally happening!!!!
May God Bless each of you! He has certainly blessed us in so many ways!
UPDATE!See below....
Craig and I are being led to adopt two children from Ukraine.
After much prayer and research, we were led to a wonderful lady in Florida who helps couples adopt from Ukraine. You
can visit her website at www.hiskidstoo.org.
Well, our paperwork arrived November 5th, 2003. Our facilitator translated
the dossier and re-submitted it mid-November. With Thanksgiving, New Year's, and then their Christmas (January 7th)
- we've had to wait to get that appointment longer than we anticipated. However, it just gives us more time to be together
and to get things ready for those children.
My friends gave me a wonderful baby shower in November. I received some
wonderful items and I am forever grateful! We were so fortunate to receive both car seats, a double stroller, a pack
and play and many different other necessary items. It was incredible! We are truly blessed!
Our facilitator says that he thinks we will travel in February but without an
appointment and its almost mid-January, we are thinking March. The waiting is so hard but we know that God is in control!
He loves us and wants what is best for us and those children. He has already handpicked them out for us. He will
give us that appointment when His time is right!
Continue to pray for us and this journey! We are so excited about bringing
those children to their new Texas home!
Update as of April 15, 2004 - TAX DAY
Well, we have finally been approved by the National Adoption Center
in Ukraine! We were approved on April 1, 2004 - kind of ironic - April Fool's Day :)
Anyway, we sent our petition to request an appointment for June.
They received our letter yesterday, the 14th of April. We are now waiting for our specific appointment date and time.
We feel like we are 7 months pregnant! Its so cool! We have finished their nurseries and we are getting ready
to bring them home.
June is absolutely beautiful in Ukraine. The weather is around
75 degrees during the day - very nice. So, that's better than the negative 20 degrees in February. We are still
hoping for a boy and a girl and we've picked out names - Carter Alan and Mollie Rebecca. Thank you for all your prayers
and sweet emails. We are so appreciative! We plan on keeping a journal of our time in Ukraine. It will most
likely be on this site and we will try to update as much as possible while we are there. Love to all of you!